Published Price List

ES3 Commercial Prices for Calendar Year 2025

ES3 performs engineering, test, and production work for a variety of commercial customers. We price this work using only our commercial rates as shown on our published price list. Provided is the ES3 Published Price List effective January 1, 2025.

Hourly RateLevelAverage Qualifications
$345.51Engineer 5Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. or equivalent plus 20 years engineering experience. Individual is a recognized expert.
$307.66Engineer 4Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. or equivalent plus 15 years experience. Individual is an authority in the field.
$259.62Engineer 3Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. or equivalent plus 10 years experience.
$197.84Engineer 2Bachelors, Masters or equivalent plus 5 years experience.
$151.47Engineer 1Associates, Bachelors or equivalent.
$303.46Manager 5Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. or equivalent plus 20 years experience. Individual is a recognized expert.
$253.06Manager 4Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. or equivalent plus 15 years experience. Individual is an authority in the field.
$195.77Manager 3Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. or equivalent plus 10 years experience.
$150.34Manager 2Bachelors, Masters or equivalent plus 5 years experience.
$112.85Manager 1Associates, Bachelors or equivalent.
$220.19Technician 5Specialized schooling or training in support of engineering/production plus 20 years experience.
$197.48Technician 4Specialized schooling or training in support of engineering/production plus 15 years experience.
$160.47Technician 3Specialized schooling or training in support of engineering/production plus 10 years experience.
$144.49Technician 2Specialized schooling or training in support of engineering/production plus 5 years experience.
$118.28Technician 1Specialized schooling, training, or experience in support of engineering staff.
ES3 generally escalates these rates by 3.5% each calendar year.

Remittance Address:

600 B Street, 19th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone 619-338-0380
Fax 629-338-0324

Advancing Aerospace Technologies for More Than 25 Years