ES3 is an equal opportunity employer, actively promoting a diverse mix of staff members with varied educational and work experiences. We offer equal opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to race, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability. Some of our positions may require US Citizenship or security clearances.
We believe in matching staff member’s strengths with the appropriate work assignment—as individual performers, team members, or team leaders. ES3 actively encourages and enables continuing education and the strengthening of specific skills.
Our total compensation plan is very aggressive and enables us to attract and retain high quality staff. We offer competitive salaries that are market-based. Our annual leave plan is generous and cumulative—enabling our employees to plan for extended vacations or educational sabbaticals. We have bonus as well as profit sharing incentives for our staff.

The specific insurance plans vary slightly for each of ES3’s company locations, however, all employees are offered a choice of several benefit rich, company paid medical insurance plans requiring only a minimal employee paid contribution—regardless of individual or family coverage. Enrollment is immediate and includes options designed to maximize the choice of doctors and hospitals available to our staff. In addition, ES3 offers a variety of other insurance coverage options (which also vary for each of ES3’s company location) such as Dental, Vision, Life, Disability, Death or Dismemberment, work-related Auto Insurance, and Global Travel Insurance.
Retirement Savings

Paid Leave
Continuing Education

Student Program
Work Environment
- state-of-the-art equipment as required (latest versions of hardware/software, fast data connections and robust backup processing)
- a modern work environment (flexible hours when possible and complete office portability with laptops and cell phones),
- support for professional growth (sponsoring of technical papers, attendance at conferences, and participation in technical societies and associations) and
- continued training (courses and classes towards accredited professional degrees, certifications, and to improve proficiency).
Our staff members deserve the respect of a productive work environment and our customers ultimately benefit by the quality and quantity of our output. We have made this a key component to our strategy for attracting and retaining exceptional staff.
ES3 also strives to promote a healthy, family-friendly social environment. We encourage and sometimes sponsor activities outside the office for those employees and their families interested in sporting events, parties, picnics, and community service.