F-16 Specialized Tooling Design and Manufacture

ES3 staff have vast experience in developing and delivering a variety of custom tooling for specific F-16 repairs. Provided are a sample of some of the specialized tooling we have designed, built, and delivered to a wide variety of F-16 operators and maintainers.

341 Main Landing Gear Bulkhead Lug Repair Tool

Model of the bulkhead lug repair tool is shown left and actual tool is shown right.

Video shows operation of bulkhead lug repair tool.

  • ES3 manufactures and assembles the F-16 MLG Bulkhead Lug Repair Tool Kit (201846604) for delivery.
  • ES3 repairs and restores Main Landing Gear (MLG) attachment lugs at the FS 341 bulkhead.
  • ES3 provides specialized training to enable your maintenance staff to repair the 341 bulkhead through the use of a 201846604 tool kit (oversized reamers included).
  • ES3 provides training enabling installation of custom bushings in newly concentric reamed bulkhead lugs.

Upper and Lower Bulkhead Radius Blend Tool

  • ES3 will manufacture and prepare the Upper & Lower Bulkhead Radius Blend Tool Kit F16-16-011 & F16-15-001 for delivery.
  • ES3 provides the Upper & Lower Blend Tool Kit for 16RB526/16RB527 doubler installation in wing attach hole pockets.
  • ES3 can provide specialized training to enable F-16 users to perform their own Upper Flange Doubler Installation Process.

Shown is a solid model of the blend tool in a bulkhead.

The blend tool comes with all necessary attachments in an easy- to-transport case.

Shown is an installed carry through bulkhead fitting for which ES3 provided the technical and engineering oversight during install.

Horizontal Stabilizer Inboard Beam Reamer Tool

  • ES3 provides specialized tooling to repair the Horizontal Stabilizer Inboard Beam Bearing Race.
  • ES3 manufactures and assembles the Horizontal Stabilizer Inboard Beam Reamer Tool Kit (X2016JLH01) for delivery.
  • ES3 provides specialized training to repair the Horizontal Stabilizer Inboard Beam in leu of replacement.
  • ES3 provides training for installation of a custom bushing sleeve in newly concentric reamed bearing race.


Shown is the location of the Horizontal Stabilizer Inboard Beam Bearing Race.

This video shows operation of the ES3 Horizontal Stabilizer Inboard Beam Reamer Tool.       

Shown is a solid model of the Beam Reamer Tool.

Wing Attach Fitting Bolt Hole Bushing Repair Tool

  • ES3 designed and manufactures specialized tooling to complete reaming and bushing operations on the wing attach holes in four carry-through bulkheads and wing attach fittings.
  • ES3 can perform these repairs for you or we can provide you these tools and specialized training to your maintenance crews so that your maintenance crews can complete bushing operations on fuselage bulkheads and wing attach fittings.

Training and Support

ES3 provides specialized training to operate tooling that solves common disposition requests.

Our training of will enable skilled F-16 maintainers to complete repairs with ES3 tooling on their own aircraft.

This custom tooling restores F-16 fleet from the most common structural failures.

This service provides an excellent opportunity for F-16 users who are looking to increase their capability using ES3 technology.

Advancing Aerospace Technologies for More Than 25 Years