Wing Overhaul, Modification, and Upgrades

ES3 staff removing a fixed trailing edge for overhaul

ES3 provides F-16 wing overhaul, removing upper and/or lower wing skins.  All wings receive structural integrity inspections and necessary repairs. Wings are cleaned, re-skinned and re-sealed to original factory specifications.

ES3 staff includes certified wing overhaul technicians and production engineers who have completed hundreds of wing overhauls. ES3’s technical lead for F-16 repairs is Rob McCowin, former US Air Force F-16 Engineer and Manager of USAF’s F-16 Airframe Structural Integrity Program (ASIP).

Butt-line 71 FTI repair being performed during a wing overhaul at the ES3 Overhaul Facility in Clearfield Utah

ES3 provides F-16 wing overhaul, removing upper and/or lower wing skins.  All wings receive structural integrity inspections and necessary repairs. Wings are cleaned, re-skinned and re-sealed to original factory specifications.

ES3 staff includes certified wing overhaul technicians and production engineers who have completed hundreds of wing overhauls. ES3’s technical lead for F-16 repairs is Rob McCowin, former US Air Force F-16 Engineer and Manager of USAF’s F-16 Airframe Structural Integrity Program (ASIP).

At our 120,000 square foot overhaul facility in Clearfield Utah, ES3 has the necessary tools and fixtures for AS9100 controlled and USAF certified wing and other structural overhauls. ES3’s in-house tools, fixtures, and capabilities includes:

  • Milling tool and vertical fixture to ensure matchup of overhauled wing with aircraft.
  • Match drill fixture to ensure proper hole drilling of new skins.
  • Non-destructive Inspection (NDI) process documents and worksheets
  • Configuration controlled


A completed and primed F-16 wing after overhaul is prepped at the ES3 paint booth to receive its top coat. ES3 provides primer, top coat and HAVE GLASS II coatings post overhaul.
ES3 provides MIL-SPEC approved crates for shipment of wings to and from the ES3 overhaul facility for those customers who need shipping crates.
ES3 provides a full inspection—including all required level II NDI—of all wing interior structures to assess condition and ensure structural integrity of all spar, ribs, and interior components.
ES3 technicians perform TUKLOC fastener installation and sealing.
ES3 provides the critical mill and drill operations to ensure the wing aligns with the fuselage.
ES3 staff and tooling are certified to remove the upper and lower wing skins to perform critical inspections and/or repairs.

This time-lapsed video shows our staff installing a top skin over a newly refurbished and configuration modified F-16 wing.

Advancing Aerospace Technologies for More Than 25 Years