Cold Spray

Dimensional Restoration Via Robotic and Handheld Cold Spray Systems

Aircraft and ground support equipment typically require restoration of structure and components damaged by corrosion, wear, and other surface defects. Current repair techniques inspect, clean, and then apply corrosion preventative compounds, but often do not provide dimensional restoration. Additionally, traditional repair techniques often utilize and/or produce hazardous materials and waste.

As an alternative, ES3 has developed multiple low to high pressure cold spray repair systems—both robotic and handheld—that provide dimensional restoration using environmentally-friendly, corrosion and/or wear resistant coating applications.

Shown is an aircraft fuel flow proportioner (top) and an aircraft slat track (bottom) being dimensionally restored with cold spray at ES3’s facility.

ES3 had developed a portable cold spray coating process for removal of corrosion product and restoration/ repair of 7XXX, 6XXX, 2XXX Aluminum, or Magnesium substrates that is environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant, provides precise control over thickness of applied repair material, and requires no surface finishing after application.

Before (left) and after (right) cold spray application on 7075 aluminum aircraft component.

Development of cold spray repair systems for a particular application is managed out of our Southeast Operations facility. For more information contact us at

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